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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What I Did The Day After Bin Laden Got Killed...

...The most American shit I could think of, son!

1. Filled up my Jeep with a fresh tank of gas
2. Went shopping
3. Ate french fries and drank lemonade
4. Listened to Bruce Springsteen
5. Squeezed my big American tits into a tight ass shirt and didn't care that I might offend someone...coz, It's a FREE COUNTRY! lol
6. Drank a refreshing Pepsi, Tab AND Coke while sitting by a pool and laughing with my friends of varied nationalities while giving a thumbs up
7. Watched the Yankees game while thinking about a Nathan's hotdog (there Sue, satisfied!? lol)
8. Wore Hanes underpants and Levi's jeans
9. Paid taxes while helping a little old lady cross the street and buying Girl Scout Cookies.
10. Voted...twice!
11. Ate a McDonalds apple pie while using my ThighMaster and singing "God bless America"
So take THAT, bin Laden!

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